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Whatspp Now For Inquiry

Doctor Detail

A hospital is a place of care and healing. It is a specialized environment that handles diseases and sick people 24x7. As with every place and situation, you will have to follow certain rules when you enter a hospital either as a patient or as a visitor to protect yourself and others.

Infection control and you

Infection control protocols are of paramount importance in every hospital. During a pandemic, the protocols become even stricter and adhere to ICMR guidelines. Every hospital has measures in place to protect patients, staff and visitors and your cooperation will go a long way in preventing the spread of infection.


  • If you have COVID symptoms don’t go to a hospital without calling first. This will help the staff to admit you in isolation.
  • Don’t bring flowers for the patient or wear strong perfume. Strong smells may induce discomfort and cough.
  • Don’t touch any medical devices, drips or catheters. Call the nurse if you need assistance.
  • Don’t touch eyes, nose or mouth. They are the gateways for many infections.
  • Don’t bring children to visit patients unless absolutely necessary. They are highly susceptible to infections.
  • Don’t sit on patient’s bed. You may deposit germs that you picked up on the way. Use the chair that is provided.
  • Don’t spend too much time in the hospital. It is not a venue for socializing. Bring cheer in small measures.
  • Don’t walk around the hospital. You are not on a fact-finding or sightseeing tour. Go only where you are supposed to go.


  • Always enter through main entrance. It will help the hospital manage visitors better.
  • Sanitise hands after touching frequently touched surfaces. Sanitisers will be available in many places.
  • Avoid close contact with sick people. Maintain a healthy distance from people with symptoms to prevent infection.
  • If you have an OP consultation, bring only one attender with you. This will avoid crowding and greatly reduce the chances of infection.
  • If you are an inpatient, have only one visitor at a time. You should be resting and recuperating, not exerting yourself or disturbing others.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. Washing hands prevents transmission of virus to nose, mouth or eyes by hand.
  • Cover your cough and sneeze with tissue or sleeve. Never use your hands as they will become infected and transmit the virus to any object that you touch.
  • If you use a tissue, put it in a closed bin and sanitize hands immediately. Do not use the same tissue repeatedly.